So said Nancy Pelosi this afternoon, as she talked of the NEXT bailout bill.“There will not be a bill..."
For a few seconds second, I was in love. Nancy, you get it. You GET it. No more bills. No more bailouts. I don't know how you arrived at your come to Jesus moment, but I don't care, either.
But then she had to spoil the moment as she continued
...without state and local [aid] .There will be a bill, and it will be expensive.”Ugh! It's like the hot woman you "meet" while online dating. Great picture. Great profile. But then you meet and she starts to talk. Too much. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. You had me at "There will not be a bill..." I was yours. Then you went and spoiled it all. No dreams. Probably no Dream speech in you, either, I'm guessing. Nothing that speaks to the fleeced electorate like...
Oh well. These days, I'll take the little happy moments where I can find them. I got a few seconds of happiness before reality intruded. Ms. Pelosi thinks she has all the cards--obviously. Let's hope she doesn't. Our country can ill afford yet another bailout bill seasoned with the Democrats' secret recipe of eleven pork projects and vices.I have a dream that there will be no more bailout bills.
I have a dream that cities and states that spent money they didn't have for cozy, crony deals with friends and unions will go bankrupt and realize the error of their ways, and not get bailed out with Federal money.It would be lovely to see government workers subject to the fear of unemployment and twilight years without a jaw-dropping pension, just like the annoying private-sector minions they disgustedly have to deal with on a daily basis.
I have a dream that people will rise up against the politicians who so distorted what this nation used to stand for.Alas, it's just a dream.
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