Mother's Cookies is getting a facelift, and all women will benefit

New logo elements
Reflecting what they have termed a "long-overdue re-evaluation of the impact of our product on the lives of women around the world," the manufacturer of Mother's Cookies today announced that, over the next several months, their product will be rebranded Familial cookies, with a pansexual logo based on the gender-neutral graphic shown. The company promises the new logo is neutral towards traditional family constructs, and welcoming to those in non-traditional home situations.

Old logo: persecution
Notes modern anthropology Professor Catalina E Splendahr of Southeastern Technical University, "we have observed a direct multi-percent correlation between the presence of Mother's cookies in the household during the formative years, and  reduced STEM proficiency for women in the workplace 4-7 years after graduation." She adds, "It is strongly believed that this is a result--at least contributory--of the message being sent by the name and logo of the product, which suggest that women are best suited for staying home in the kitchen and baking cookies."

Building off the work that Splendahr and her colleagues have published, researchers in other countries, such as Zimbabwe, where Mother's cookies are not sold, have noted that there is no demonstrable correlative effect between cookie consumption between ages 4-12 and post-college STEM success for women. Splendahr believes "this serves as something of a control study, demonstrating that without the derisive influence of the Mother's logo, cookies themselves don't result in women avoiding the STEM sciences."
Recent logo: Teen pregnancy

This is not the first time that Mother's cookies have come under attack. The depiction of a mother that graced their product up to 2014, with hair in a tight bun and a forced smile, was derided as suggesting the mother was being persecuted and abused. A change, in 2014, to a younger mother, seemingly at greater ease, fared no better, as many took this as encouraging teen pregnancy.

Splendahr is pleased with the new move towards inclusion and away from gender stereotypes: "The number of women whose lives were irreparably destroyed by the messages being sent by Mother's cookies over the years is incalculable. We can all be glad that the era of standing back and saying nothing is over."
