Your politicians ain't woke, wake up!

A recent study from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that black-owned businesses are being inordinately hurt by the coronavirus shutdown. In this study, the reduction in active business owners since the shutdown is broken out by race, and black business owners have taken, by far, the biggest hit. Even if we are lucky enough to see something approximating the "V" shaped recovery that some are predicting (though I don't expect or believe that), many of these businesses that effectively shut down down the pandemic panic won't be coming back--felled by debt and recurring bills that didn't disappear when they were forced to close. 

This probably isn't surprising, but it puts in high relief a central question related to the continuing (though slowly relenting) shutdown:

In legislating the shutdown, do you care more about protecting the working class, who are being crushed by the economic shut down-- a group that includes a disproportionately large number of people of color.

Or do you care more about shutting down the economy because you're personally afraid of the boogeyman and are trusting in worthless pseudo-science? And, to add, as a politician, your job is not on the line because you're paid by the taxpayers to sit at home while you issue edicts?

The decision has been made, and the political leaders have spoken: Black (and all poor) lives matter less than those of government workers.

These are the leaders you are voting for. These are the leaders who spout the politically correct slogans, but whose actions speak differently. 
